Aquarium Plant: Types & Best Plants for Aquarium
Aquarium plants are a great add-on to the aquarium. They can live in the water with very little or even no soil. . Housing water plants in the aquarium are not only visually appealing, but they also provide a safe feeling atmosphere to the Fish. Check out the types of aquarium plants and best aquarium plants for different aquarium
Types of Aquarium Plants
Aquarium plants are classified into two main categories. They are Substrate plants and floating plants.
Substrate plants
Substrate plants are the plants with roots closely attached to the soil on the base of an Aquarium and they grow vertically. There are more significant varieties of substrate plants based on size and growing condition. Though they are a retreat to our eyes, Substrate plants play an important role in providing fish a place to hide and lay eggs.
Floating Plants
Floating plants floats on the surface of the water. They completely grow without soil with their roots swing loosely in the water. Floating plants grows rapidly and they require regular pruning. They also be a good food for certain type of aquarium fishes.
How to buy an Aquarium Plant?
Aquarium plants are easily available in Plant nurseries dealing in Water Plants. When buying an Aquarium Plant, you need to thoroughly examine the condition of the Plant. Plant in the good condition appears full green and exhibit the signs of activeness by having roots and offspring.
How to Fix the Aquarium plants in the Tank?
Planting medium such as Aquarium soil or substrate is required if the aquarium plant is of submerged type which requires soil to attach its root. Aquarium planters steel or basket meshes can also be used to provide support to the plant for root development.
Best Aquarium Plants for Home Aquarium
Echinodorus (Amazon sword Plant)

Echinodorus a.k.a Amazon sword plant is a substrate type plant. It is a very popular aquarium plant among fish keepers. It requires very low maintenance.
The Amazon sword plant can give your aquarium an undersea effect with its dense and long leaves. The Amazon sword plant costs around Rs. 40/- To Rs. 80/- in India depending on their size.
Lilaeopsis brasiliensis

Lilaeopsis brasiliensis is a foreground plant, it can make a lawn grass effect in an aquarium. This Hardy plant is native to South American csuch as Brazil and Argentina
Appearance: Lilaeopsis brasiliensis can grow widespread like a lawn grass covering the entire surface of the tank. It provides a light green ground cover in an Aquarium. It can grow up to 10 – 15 cm in an optimal condition.
The ideal temperature for the plant is between 21 -28 0C . The water should be enriched periodically with substrates.
It prefers a pH between 5.0 to 7.0. This plant is easily available in nurseries and aquariums.
The price of Lilaeopsis brasiliensis in India can range from Rs. 100/- – Rs. 150/-
Java moss

Java moss plant is a great plant choice for freshwater aquarium because it can be grown easily. It grows widespread and covers the entire tank like a carpet. Also, It provides a good hiding place for fish to hide and lay eggs.
Java moss plants are native to South Asia. It is also available locally in India at Aquariums and Plant Nurseries.
Java moss plants have no roots and it absorbs nutrients only through its dark green leaves and stem. They use their rhizoids to attach themselves to objects such as driftwood, rocks, and other aquarium ornaments
Java moss can grow best in medium light conditions but it can also thrive in low light conditions. The bright light exposure could harm the plant’s growth and encourages the growth of algae.
An ideal temperature required for optimal growth is 21 °c to 23 °c. The price of Java moss is approximately Rs. 100 to Rs. 400 depending on their size.